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How to launch a career after university

An illustration of the mentorship concept


How to launch a career after university

More than 50,000 students graduate in Kenya on an annual basis. This means that every year, a pool of educated individuals enters the job market ready to practically apply the knowledge they garnered in class. A report compiled by MacroTrends this year revealed that the current rate of unemployment in Kenya is 5.74%. The research points out that this figure is a 0.01 percent increase from the 2020 percentage. In fact, since 2017, the percentage rate of unemployment has been steadily increasing. This shows how competitive the current job market is.

A graph demonstrating the rate of unemployment in Kenya


The average rate of inflation as tabulated by CBK is 6.61 percent, a demonstration of how high the cost of living has become in Kenya. Evidently, in order to cater to your needs and those of your loved ones once you bag that degree, you need to get a good job that will kick start your career. 

The truth of the matter is, a degree in this current economic climate, does not necessarily guarantee that you will land a good job. We have all come across graduates with terrific qualifications working menial jobs because they were not able to secure employment after completing their studies. 

Clearly, the rigid African fable regarding the cycle of life is not entirely accurate. Now, the question becomes, how do you separate yourself from the herd of graduates who trickle into the job market annually? How do you launch your career?

Let’s dive into these 4 steps and find out!

1) Investing in personal branding

Personal branding is the process of creating an identity for a given company or an individual. Your brand should essentially tell your target audience what you stand for and why you stand out in a pool of your peers or competitors. We live in a tech-enabled age where most employers are looking to hire employees based on how they project themselves on social media platforms such as LinkedIn. 

Creating professional profiles that command respect and confidence from clients, peers and companies across all social media platforms places you in a better position to find a suitable employment opportunity and to grow your professional network.  So, you know that picture on your social media profile that showcases you sticking your tongue out? Get rid of it. Invest in a clear, professional photograph with elaborate details of your journey as a student, an intern or attachee and employee. Also, strive to grow your network by connecting with individuals who are in the same job pool as you. 

Below is an optimized LinkedIn profile:

An image of how an optimized LinkedIn profile should appear



2) Developing a growth mindset

As highlighted earlier, the state of unemployment in Kenya is grim. This has left many graduates unemployed. Still, there are those who have succumbed to the notion, “Kenya has no jobs” and there are those who have invested their time and energy in doing free short courses online so that they can sharpen their existing skills and broaden their skillset. 

These two sets of graduates possess different mindsets. The ones who see the world as black and white have a fixed mindset while the ones who perceive the world as multicolored have a growth mindset. This latter group is capable of making the best out of an impossible situation when it comes to starting their careers and life in general. Possessing a growth mindset sets you apart from your peers. It enables you to become proficient in what you do and teaches you to become a problem solver. In addition to this, a person who has a growth mindset will find themselves eligible for promotions and a plethora of opportunities for career advancement. 

Launching your career begins with a mindset shift.

3) Finding a mentor

A mentor is someone who holds your hand as you tread your career path. They make sure you do not step into a puddle or lose your way because of ill indicated directions. Having someone who has more experience than you career wise and even life wise can contribute significantly to launching your career. A mentor can help you broaden your skills, build your personal brand, advance in your career, land a job and grow your network. They also have this knack of offering you fresh perspectives on your career and life in general.


An illustration of the mentorship concept




Here are some questions to ask yourself while looking for a mentor:


  • Does this individual share the same values as you?
  • Do we have the same definitions of success?
  • Have they attained the goals I am looking to achieve?
  • Are they willing and able to build a new relationship with you?
  • Do they challenge me to grow professionally?
  • Is this individual happy in their own career?
  • Do I look up to this person?

The answers to these questions will help you find a mentor who will help you launch your career. Pay close attention to their ability to be your mentor as well. A person might check all your mentorship boxes, but they simply do not have the time to be your mentor.

4) Do short courses online

There are a lot of platforms that offer virtual short courses. Most of these courses are self-paced and some are even free. Investing your time and energy in these short online courses can be a game changer in your career. At the end of these courses, you will receive a certificate indicating that you have gained a new skill. These certificates are a welcome addition to your resume, as they will help you stand out when you are applying for a job. 


The Bridge  is a credible platform that offers an online program that can significantly add value to your career:

An image of a woman doing an online course

You can make yourself more appealing in the job market by increasing the number of skills you have in a particular field. 

Well, there you have it! The above-mentioned steps can considerably help you kickstart your career. But it is easier said than done, isn’t it? You cannot just wake up and shift your mindset, neither can you miraculously run into the perfect mentor. So how do you actualize the above steps so that you can launch your career?

Simple, enrol in the Bridge Program!


Igniting the minds of future leaders

What is the Bridge Program?

The Bridge is an online program that is designed to help you close the gaping gap between your in-class learning and the skills that are required to solve real-world problems. 

Let’s face it, unless you have connections with Uncle Sam, getting a job immediately after you finish your university studies is next to impossible. This is because of several reasons:

1) Employers are not willing to hire fresh graduates due to a lack of required skills. 80 percent of the graduates do not have 21st century skills. 

2) Lack of an entrepreneurial mindset.

3) Fewer internship opportunities.

4) Lack of a mentor.

The Bridge program addresses these four issues in such a way that by the time a learner completes the program, they know how to approach the job market and secure an employment opportunity that will set the ball rolling for their career.

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